Where can search for cleaning- janitorial companies? We want to find similar sources in Canada
State purchasing departments – http://vendornet.state.wi.us/vendornet/default.asp
USA lead sources
We want to find similar sources in Canada
City purchasing-https://lfucg.economicengine.com/?nocache=51643253
County purchasing-http://www.lexingtonky.gov/
journals- business journal- http://www.bizjournals.com/louisville/
state or city building housing authority- http://www.haglasgow.com/
state department of transportation- http://www.dot.wisconsin.gov/
state and region minority development councils- http://www.northcentralmsdc.net/
Local union halls- http://ldcmnnd.org/ http://liunalocal136.org/wp/
Department of labor- https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/
Yellow pagers- http://www.yellowpages.com/ I figure there are 5 similar. I want the 2 or 3 that have different phone companies listed
Associated General Contractors https://www.agc.org/
Finalcleanup.com= http://finalcleanup.com/find/state/wisconsin/